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DM follows National Curriculum which is underpinned by the Islamic values that inform both the ethos and vision of our Early years Nursery and lays the foundation for our primary provision.

Our well planned, stretching, exciting and stimulating lessons offering self-directed learning opportunities to all pupils including those with SEND.


We set high expectations for our pupils, whom we desire will become confident, positive, articulate, responsible and highly achieving individuals who have a strong sense of identity and purpose; who are self-disciplined, morally upright, emotionally secure and spiritually intelligent; and who respectfully work with others from diverse backgrounds, for the common good.


DM ‘s broad and balanced rich curriculum is rooted in the knowledge and skills that pupils need to take advantage of the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life, to address social disadvantage. It is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, towards those end points. The school curriculum reflects the school’s local context by addressing typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills in English due to a large proportion of residents with EAL.


DM Curriculum clearly links children’s experience of the world to the Divine, in line with the school’s ethos and to ensure pupils have purpose and ownership to their learning as well as to teach them about sustainable lifestyles.


The Curriculum that we’ve adopted revolves around principles. These principles are frequently referred to in the Qur’an where we are repeatedly instructed to contemplate the natural world, as such contemplation leads to recognition of its Creator and His rights over us. School staff are developing curricular planning that encourages pupils to contemplate a range of related aspects of Allah’s creation to foster Iman, in line with the school’s ethos and curriculum intent.


By blending our traditional values and heritage with our modern curriculum and first-class facilities we provide an education that promotes discovery, fulfilment and life-changing experiences.

This distinct style of education ensures our pupils remain grounded and modest even when they achieve great things.

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